Games and some music taste!


Random thoughts

I was thinking (yes i do that sometimes) that warhammer is a great game. Some people work hard on it with care and love from when the idea came up to their minds, but how addictive it is truly?
Is it just me that iz bored of the mmorpgs or the game just cant hold me as wow did for excample? I remember i was addicted to wow i was playing with passion for hours and hours and till the day i gave up wow i wasnt bored i wasnt moaning as i do with warhammer (you are going to ask why i gave up then.. well i didnt have anything to discover maybe, i was bored of the expantions and annoyed that at the end raids that i have spend hours of wiping became rediculous easy) , is it because i except more from warhammer? or i just see that this game has a future and i just cannot wait till they fix things i dont like?

Ok i will be honest with myself i admit i love t1,t2,t3 but t4.. god is so boring when im not in mood to do rvr and i wanna pve.. im getting annoyed instances are too small .. oh well except lv... scenarios are getting boring.. and rvr.. well atm is crap.
So i was wondering what i would love to see in warhammer, after 40 we aint in need of xp, but we are still taking xp from scenarios and quests, givf quests that gives renown! maybe daily quests that gives renown, quests that u can unlock after a renown lvl would be awesome too, dont give experience to scenarios to ppl that are 40 convert experience into renown.
I would also love to remove the lockout from the almost zero pve section of warhammer, i mean wtf u have so few instances and u give so many hours lockout why are we supposed to be on pve server instead of pvp... because we love pve .. work more on it add new stuff and give people the chance to pve at t4.. what do i need the pqs when i r 40 except of farming..

Economy still aint working after the last patch, action house seems poor, people arent bother to sell to actioneers because they cant spent gold so they dont need lots of gold. But we did read about this at my beloved friend Lokax blog. In every game i played i was supposed to buy things that will make my character stronger or collect things for my character for excample i would love to see chaos pets or greenskin pets and i could spend gold to have some in my collection, i would also love to be able to farm for a special matterial that is very usefull to a proffetion and be able to sell it for lots of gold at the action house.

And now about keeps.. give a damn pass button on gold bags!

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